
You need a subscription at to generate licenses. When subscribing you can choose the base package without the MC Simulator, giving access to the following scripts:


If you choose the premium subscription including the monitoring centre simulator you get access to the following scripts:


Note that the load_ipsec_keys and lilicense scripts do not require a license to run.

Generate a license

You first need to install the package as in the installation section. Then, you need to get your unique machine key. To get this, open the lilicense GUI and click “Show Key” and “Start”, or from command line:

lilicense -k
The unique machine key is:

Enter the machine key along with a password of your choosing at

The license will then appear and you can download it.

Installing your license

Run the lilicense GUI, choose the license file, and enter a password. Click start.


Or to install from command line:

lilicense <license_file_name>.txt

You will be prompted to enter the password you entered in the previous section.

You can run the following command to prove that your application is now licensed:

lidecode 307ba13b80070400020205010e81083132333435363738a30ca00680044f50455282025553840100851232303139313230383231323534392e363931880102a23ca33aa13880070400020200010681083132333435363738a208a10680044f504552a319a017801232303139313230383231323534392e363931810100

Check your license

Select the “Show License” details in the lilicense GUI or use the -s option from command line to view your installed license information:

lilicense -s
machine_id: Z5LyvjMvnC3DY6ZxVMpKLQ==
generated_on: 2021-07-16 04:48:12
expires: 2022-07-16 04:46:46
version: 2
owner: Your Name
evaluation: No
features: lidecode,lishark,liserver
signature: ...

Note that all timestamps are in UTC.