Downloadable LI standards ASN.1 decoder and Monitoring Centre Simulator now available!
This site contains a group of essential tools useful for anyone working in the field of Lawful Interception, experts and newbies alike:
Decode HI records in all of the most common standards for Lawful Interception (ETSIv3, ETSI232, 3GPP) for a range of technologies (IPMM, EPS, CS and more)
Latest 2022 standards supported upto those based on 3GPP Release 17 (with backward compatibilty to the earliest standards)
Get full decoded record, or various summary formats
Decode from raw hex records for free
Decode from hi records stored in files with a subscription (one free request available, sign-up to try it)
Decode from packet captures with a subscription (one free request available, sign-up to try it)
Questions? Problems? sign-up and click support to open an issue in our issue tracker
Offline decoder and MC simulator tools now available
Note that hex data and files are uploaded to our servers and stored in order to decode them and maybe stored for longer. Do not upload live subscriber data. Use our offline decoders for that.
Click here to request free temporary full access to our online decoders, and an evaluation license for our offline tools.
Monitoring Centre Simulator:
We now have a monitoring centre simulator, the liserver script.
Starts a tcp or sftp server for receiving HI2 records like a Monitoring Centre, and saves the records in a logical directory structure.
Does not yet playback intercepted call contents, but can decode them and present the data in an easy to read format.
Check the documentation for more information. A premium subscription is required. Or click request free access to get an evaluation license.
Other offline tools:
File Decoder: Decode from Raw ASN.1 files as they are delivered over the HI Interfaces (HI1, HI2, HI3, HI4)
PCAP Decoder: Find ASN.1 records inside a packet capture taken for a HI interface connection.
See the documentation for more information.
Online decoders:
Hex: Decode from Raw Hex. One way to get raw hex is to right click a packet in wireshark and click "copy > as a Hex Stream"
File Decoder: Decode from Raw ASN.1 files as they are delivered over the HI Interfaces (HI1, HI2, HI3, HI4)
PCAP Decoder: Find ASN.1 records inside a packet capture taken for a HI interface connection. Use display filters and pdu filters where possible to speed up decoding. For more information on display filters see here. PDU filters will filter packets to those whose contents contain the given string. Try searching for a lawful interception identifier.